Current status
The current release includes most of the necessary features to run multiscale simulations in both non-distributed and distributed mode, in Python 3, C++ and Fortran. This makes this release suitable for prototyping and learning to work with MUSCLE3 and multiscale modeling in general, and for production work using Python, C++ and Fortran models.
In particular, MUSCLE3 currently provides the following features:
Coupling different submodel instances
MUSCLE connects simultaneously running instances of different submodels together based on an MMSL description of how to do so. Single instances can be connected to each other, or to sets of instances via so-called vector ports. MUSCLE allows peer instances to find each other, and then transmit messages between themselves in a peer-to-peer fashion. Communication between the models therefore does not suffer from a bottleneck created by a central component.
Spatial and temporal scale separation and overlap
For a macro-micro coupled model with time scale separation, the micro-model needs to be run once for each time step of the macro-model. With MUSCLE, models can be run repeatedly to make this possible. If the macro-model does not have a fixed number of timesteps (e.g. because it runs until convergence, and it is not known in advance when that occurs), then the number of required runs of the micro-model is unknown on beforehand as well. MUSCLE will automatically coordinate the model’s execution in order to ensure that exactly the right number of runs happen and no deadlocks occur.
For time scale overlap, the models run simultaneously and exchange information via MUSCLE while running, but interpolation may be needed to synchronise the data that is exchanged. Messages passed between models via MUSCLE carry simulation-time timestamps that allow you to implement a suitable interpolation component.
For spatial scale separation, usually many instances of the micro-model need to be run to cover the macro-scale domain, and they need to be linked to the macro-model. This too can be described with the MMSL and implemented using MUSCLE.
For adjacent spatial scales, information needs to be exchanged between the micro-model instances. This effectively equivalent to domain decomposition, which MUSCLE3 cannot (yet) do. In practice, compute-intensive models usually do this internally anyway, so this is not a major limitation, although it would be nice to have.
MUSCLE also supports time-domain adjacency, which is to say a process that occurs after another one. In this way, it is semantically a superset of a scientific workflow system.
Settings management
Most models have some, or many, model parameters and other settings that determine how the simulation proceeds. In a large coupled simulation, managing these settings is tedious, as they need to be distributed over various configuration files (or worse, source files), which then need to be put into the correct location for models to pick them up. With MUSCLE, settings can be defined in the yMMSL file that defines the simulation to run, and queried in each submodel. This simplifies deployment and collecting metadata, and ensures that settings that are used in different models are always the same (unless explicitly set to different values).
For Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis, an ensemble is usually run, with the values of some parameters varying amongst the ensemble members. With MUSCLE3, components can be introduced into the simulation that connect to a set of instances and inject different values for some of the settings into each one. This makes it possible to implement advanced semi-intrusive methods for efficient UQ and SA of multiscale models.
Combining features
The most powerful feature of the MMSL, and MUSCLE3, is the ability to arbitrarily combine the above features in a single model. For instance, if your macro-micro model exhibits both time scale and spatial scale separation, then you can have a set of instances that each are reused many times. You can then make a set of each of these (i.e. a set of macro-model instances, and a set of sets of micro-model instances) and attach a UQ sampler to the macro-model in order to run an Uncertainty Quantification. The overlaid parameters will then be propagated automatically by MUSCLE3 to the correct micro-model instances.
Other scenarios could include combining two macro-micro set-ups into a macro-meso-micro model, or connecting a macro-model to an ensemble of stochastic micro-models via a component that replicates the message from the macro-model to each micro-model instance, and another component that calculates the ensemble mean of the results and passes it back to the macro-model.
This feature is important because MUSCLE3 is a tool for scientific research. While the MUSCLE3 developers cannot predict what you will invent in the future, its flexibility greatly increases the probability that you will be able to use MUSCLE3 to implement it.
Ongoing development
Language support
Currently, MUSCLE3 supports Python 3, C++ and Fortran. While that covers quite some existing models in computational science, support for other languages is still needed. This mainly entails porting libmuscle, as the manager is a separate program, and writing tools to manipulate yMMSL files is probably best done in Python.
Next on the list in terms of language support are C and possibly Java and Octave, then perhaps other languages. If you feel strongly about support for a specific language, please make an issue on GitHub.
Distributed execution
Distributed execution is now officially supported, although not yet widely tested. If you want to experiment on your laptop or your supercomputer, please have a look at the Distributed Execution section of the manual. MUSCLE3 can start all the submodels and other components within a cluster allocation through the use of QCG PilotJob.
Dynamic instantiation
Some simulations require varying amounts of compute resources over the course of a run. For instance, the time taken by a set of micro-models may depend on the state of the macro-model, which changes over the course of the simulation. In these cases, it may be necessary to change the number of instances of the micro-model during the simulation. MUSCLE3 does not yet support this, but we plan to extend it to do so in the future.
It should be noted that in most cases, the resources have been allocated to the user by a scheduler, and whether or not they are used does not affect the cost of the simulation in core hours. Energy use is of course affected, and in some cases wall-clock time can be reduced by redistributing the available resources over fewer needed instances. Also, when running on a cloud, it may be possible to return resources when they are no longer needed, and avoid paying for them.
The simple case of repeated instantiation of a micro-model is taken care of by the model reuse facility that MUSCLE3 does offer; dynamic instantiation is not needed for this.
MUSCLE3 contains a partial implementation of a simple profiler, which can measure the amount of time it takes to send messages between the instances. While measurements are taken and the information is sent to the manager, it is not yet saved to disk for further processing and not yet supported in C++. This should be a simple addition.