Profiling coupled simulations
The first challenge one faces when creating a coupled simulation is getting it to run correctly. Once the model is running and producing results however, the question often becomes how to make it run faster, so as to be able to do science more efficiently. The model needs to be optimised.
The first step of optimisation is measurement: how much compute time does the model spend on what? Without measurement, you end up optimising parts that don’t contribute significantly to the total run time, thus making little progress.
Measuring and optimising individual submodels is outside of the scope of MUSCLE3. This should be done at the level of the individual model, using profilers like gprof or perf or TotalView, and there isn’t much MUSCLE3 can contribute. In a coupled simulation however, you first need to know which of the coupled models takes the most compute time and should therefore be optimised, and this MUSCLE3 can help with.
A MUSCLE3 simulation consists of a set of submodels, which during the simulation
spend some of their time computing, some of it waiting for inputs to arrive from
other submodels, and some of it transferring data. The communication activities
are done through libmuscle
, and computing (and internal communication, if
the model is parallelised) takes place in between them. During each run,
will measure when each external communication takes place, how
much time was spent waiting, and how much time was spent transferring the data.
This information is collected centrally and saved to a file, which you can then
analyse to discover where the coupled simulation can best be optimised.
Configuring profiling
Profiling is enabled by default, so you do not have to do anything to get MUSCLE3 to produce profiling data. For typical coupled simulations consisting of only a few instances that do not communicate very often, this should not affect the simulation performance. If you have a simulation with very many instances which communicate intensively, then the overhead of sending all that information to the central database can become significant.
If that is the case, then you should do your profiling with a smaller number of
instances, and disable profiling for the large run to avoid the overhead.
Profiling can be disabled by setting the setting muscle_profile_level
in the yMMSL file. To enable profiling, set it to all
, or don’t set
it at all. Just like for other settings, this can be set per-instance as well,
to selectively collect profiling information from part of the simulation.
The profiling database
After a MUSCLE3 simulation is done, you will find a file called
in the run directory, next to the main log file. This
file is a database containing several tables with performance information about
the run.
This information can be analysed in three ways: 1) through the muscle3
command, 2) via the libmuscle.ProfileDatabase
class in
Python, and 3) directly via sqlite3
from the shell or from Python. All three
are described here.
Plotting statistics from the command line
The simplest way of examining performance data gathered by MUSCLE3 is through
the muscle3 profile
command from the shell. If you have done a run, then
you should have a run directory containing a performance.sqlite
file. If
you have MUSCLE3 available in your environment (only the Python installation is
needed) then you have the muscle3 profile
command available to show
per-instance and per-core statistics as well as a timeline of events.
Per-instance time spent

muscle3 profile --instances /path/to/performance.sqlite
With --instances
or -i
, the plot will show for each instance how much
time it spent in total on computing, communicating and waiting. This plot gives
an idea of where most of the computing is done, and which components you need
to optimise to get an answer sooner.
In many models, you will find that there’s one component that takes up most of the compute time, and others that spend most of their time waiting and then do a little bit of computing. This is not necessarily wasteful, it may simply be that most of the work is in that one component. Of course it does mean that if you want to get your result faster, you should focus your efforts on the component that takes the most time.
This works fine for relatively simple models, but there are some caveats to take into account. First, model components may use different amounts of resources. A component that runs 10% of the time, but uses 100 cores, uses a lot more energy than one that runs 90% of the time on a single core. On the other hand, if you are interested in getting an answer more quickly, then you should optimise the single-core model first.
If you are running on HPC, then you most likely have a fixed budget of core hours or system billing units (SBUs), and reducing SBU usage may be of interest. In the above scenario, both models are actually candidates for optimisation in this case. If you can speed up the parallel model so that it can run as fast on fewer cores then that potentially saves many SBUs. But speeding up the single-thread model also helps, because even if the cores that the parallel model runs on aren’t used, they’re still allocated and you’re still paying for them.
If all your models spend most of their time communicating, then your models do relatively little work in between sending and receiving messages. In that case, either MUSCLE3 needs to be optimised, or perhaps your coupling is simply too tight to do over a network connection and you should consider integrating the codes directly.
Resource usage

muscle3 profile --resources /path/to/performance.sqlite
If you are running on a large computer, then it may be interesting to see how
you are using the resources allocated to you. The command muscle3 profile
--resources performance.sqlite
will produce a plot showing for each core how
much time it spent running the various instances (-r
for short also works).
This gives an idea of which component used the most resources, and tells you
what you should optimise if you’re trying to reduce the number of core hours
The total time shown per core doesn’t necessarily match the total run time, as cores may be idle during the simulation. This can happen for example if components A and B alternate execution but use different numbers of cores. MUSCLE3 will automatically detect that A and B alternate and assign overlapping sets of cores so as to use them optimally, but if A uses 10 and B uses 15 cores, then inevitably 5 cores will be idle while A is running.
Event timeline

muscle3 profile --timeline /path/to/performance.sqlite
If you really want to get into the details, --timeline
or -t
shows a
timeline of profiling events. This visualises the raw data from the database,
showing exactly when each instance sent and received data, when it was waiting
for input, and when it computed. The meaning of the event types shown is as
The instance contacted the manager to share its location on the network, so that other instances can communicate with it.
The instance asked the manager who to communicate with, and set up connections to these other instances.
The instance was running, meaning that it was actively computing or doing non-MUSCLE3 communication.
The instance was waiting to receive the information it needed to determine that it should shut down, rather than run the reuse loop again.
The instance was waiting for the instances it communicates with to acknowledge that it would be shutting down. This may take a while if those other instances are busy doing calculations or talking to someone else.
The instance was shutting down its MUSCLE3 communications.
The instance contacted the manager to say that it was ending it run.
The instance was sending a message. This includes encoding the sent data and putting it in a queue, ready to be picked up by the receiver. The actual transfer is done in the background, and is excluded here.
The instance was waiting for another instance to send it a message.
The instance was receiving data from another instance. Note that because of the way operating systems work, transfer of the very first bit of data (the first network packet) is counted with RECEIVE_WAIT, so that for very small messages this may seem to take no time at all.
The received data were being decoded and turned into Python objects or Data objects.
On most installations, this plot is interactive, so be sure to use the pan and zoom buttons at the bottom of the window to explore the data.
The plots here are implemented using matplotlib
, which doesn’t do very well
displaying large numbers of events. To avoid endless rendering, the data will be
truncated if it is too large, so that you can at least see the start of the
simulation. If you find yourself running into this limitation, please make an
issue on GitHub and we’ll increase the priority on improving this.
Analysis with Python
If you want to get quantitative data, or just want to make your own plots, then
you can use MUSCLE3’s Python API. It contains several useful functions for
extracting information and statistics from a profiling database. They are
collected in the libmuscle.ProfileDatabase
Per-instance statistics
The first of these functions produces per-instance statistics, and is used like this:
from libmuscle import ProfileDatabase
with ProfileDatabase('performance.sqlite') as db:
instances, compute, transfer, wait = db.instance_stats()
This will give you four lists with corresponding entries. instances
strings with the names of the instances in the simulation. compute
numbers of seconds the instance spent computing for each instance. transfer
is the total time spent transferring data, and wait
contains the total time
spent waiting for a message.
As an example, here’s how to create a plot similar to the one muscle3
produces using this data:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
width = 0.5
bottom = np.zeros(len(instances)), compute, width, label='Compute', bottom=bottom)
bottom += compute, transfer, width, label='Transfer', bottom=bottom)
bottom += transfer, wait, width, label='Wait', bottom=bottom)
ax.set_title('Simulation component time breakdown')
ax.set_ylabel('Total time (s)')
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
Per-core statistics
For optimising resource usage, per-core statistics give some useful insight.
They can be obtained from libmuscle.ProfileDatabase
as well:
from libmuscle import ProfileDatabase
with ProfileDatabase('performance.sqlite') as db:
stats = db.resource_stats()
This returns a dictionary which for each core contains an inner dictionary that
contains the total runtime of each component using that core. Thus, to find out
how much time core c
spent running component m
, you get stats[c][m]
A per-core plot of stats
as shown by muscle3 profile
can be made as
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, core in enumerate(sorted(stats.keys())):
bottom = 0
for instance, time in sorted(stats[core].items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
i, time, 0.8,
label=instance, bottom=bottom)
bottom += time
ax.set_title('Per-core time breakdown')
ax.set_ylabel('Total time (s)')
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
Analysing events
Finally, libmuscle.ProfileDatabase
has a function for analysing
events in more detail: libmuscle.ProfileDatabase.time_taken()
This function returns the mean or total time spent on or between selected points in time recorded in the database, in nanoseconds. Note that due to operating system limitations, actual precision for individual measurements is limited to about a microsecond.
For profiling purposes, an event is an operation performed by one of the instances in the simulation. It has a type, a start time, and a stop time. For example, when an instance sends a message, this is recorded as an event of type SEND, with associated timestamps. For some events, other information may also be recorded, such as the port and slot a message was sent or received on, message size, and so on.
takes two points in time, each
of which is the beginning or the end of a certain kind of event, and calculates
the time in nanoseconds between those two points. For example, to calculate how
long it takes instance micro
to send a message on port final_state
, you
can do
>>> with ProfileDatabase('performance.sqlite') as db:
... db.time_taken(
... etype='SEND', instance='micro', port='final_state')
This selects events of type SEND
, as well as an instance and a port, and
since we didn’t specify anything else, we get the time taken from the beginning
to the end of the selected event. The micro
model is likely to have sent
many messages, and this function will automatically calculate the mean duration.
So this tells us on average how long it takes micro
to send a message on
Averaging will be done over all attributes that are not specified, so for
example if final_state
is a vector port, then the average will be taken over
all sends on all slots, unless a specific slot is specified by a slot
It is also possible to calculate time between different events. For example, if
we know that micro
receives on initial_state
, does some calculations,
and then sends on state_out
, and we want to know how long the calculations
take, then we can use
>>> with ProfileDatabase('performance.sqlite') as db:
... db.time_taken(
... instance='micro', port='initial_state',
... etype='RECEIVE', time='stop',
... port2='final_state', etype2='SEND',
... time2='start')
This gives the time between the end of a receive on initial_state
and the
start of a subsequent send on final_state
. The arguments with a 2 at the end
of their name refer to the end of the period we’re measuring, and by default
their value is taken from the corresponding start argument. So, the first
command above is actually equivalent to
etype='SEND', instance='micro', port='final_state',
slot=None, time='start', etype2='SEND',
port2='final_state', slot2=None, time2='stop')
which says that we measure the time from the start of each send by micro
to the end of each send on final_state
, aggregating over all
slots if applicable.
Speaking of aggregation, there is a final argument aggregate
which defaults
to mean
, but can be set to sum
to calculate the sum instead. For
>>> with ProfileDatabase('performance.sqlite') as db:
... db.time_taken(
... etype='RECEIVE_WAIT', instance='macro',
... port='state_in', aggregate='sum')
gives the total time that macro
has spent waiting for a message to arrive on
its state_in
If you are taking points in time from different events (e.g. different
instances, ports, slots or types) then there must be the same number of events
in the database for the start and end event. So starting at the end of
and stopping at the beginning of a SEND
on an O_I
port will
likely not work, because the instance only registers once and probably sends
more than once.
SQL data model
If you want to inspect the data in even more detail, then you can access the
database directly through the sqlite3
command line tool or the sqlite3
Python package. A full SQL tutorial is outside the scope of this documentation,
but the data model is documented here.
Database format version
muscle3_format |
major_version |
minor_version |
This table stores a single row containing the version of the database format
used in this file. This uses semantic versioning, so incompatible future formats
will have a higher major version. Compatible changes, including addition of
columns to existing tables, will increment the minor version number. Note that
this means that SELECT * FROM ...
may give a different result for different
minor versions. To make your code compatible with future minor versions, it’s a
good idea to specify the columns you want explicitly.
Here is a brief version history:
- Version 1.0 (written by MUSCLE3 0.7.0)
Initial release.
- Version 1.1 (written by MUSCLE3 0.7.1)
Added new
events. No changes to the tables.
Formatted events
all_events |
instance |
type |
start_time |
stop_time |
port |
operator |
port_length |
slot |
message_number |
message_size |
message_timestamp |
This is actually a view that presents data from other tables in a friendlier format.
instances |
oid |
name |
A dimension table listing all instances in the simulation. Instances for which no events were recorded are still listed here.
assigned_cores |
instance_oid |
REFERENCES instances(oid) |
name |
core |
Assigned resources for each instance. Each resource is a CPU core on a particular node. Each instance that was started by the manager has one or more entries here describing which cores were assigned to it.
Other tables
The databases produced by MUSCLE3 have several other tables, but those aren’t standardised (yet) and may change with any release.