MUSCLE and C++
This section shows how to use MUSCLE3 from C++, based on the same reaction-diffusion model as given in the Python-based distributed execution tutorial. It will help to at least read that first.
The source code for the examples in this section is here.
You can also go to docs/source/examples/cpp
in the source directory (that’s
easiest, and has a handy Makefile), or copy-paste the code from here. If you are
cloning from GitHub, be sure to use the master
branch, as develop
have changes incompatible with the current release.
Building and running the examples
If you’ve just built and installed the C++ version of libmuscle, then you’re all
set to build the examples. To do that, go into the docs/source/examples
subdirectory, make the new installation available, and then run Make:
~/muscle3_source$ cd docs/source/examples
~/muscle3_source/docs/source/examples$ . /path/to/muscle3/bin/muscle3.env
~/muscle3_source/docs/source/examples$ make cpp
We also need the Python version of MUSCLE3 installed, because the MUSCLE Manager comes with that, and we need it to run the simulation. The above command will create a Python virtual env with everything needed as well.
You can then run the examples in the same way as for python, but using a yMMSL file that specifies the C++ implementation of one or both of the submodels:
. python/build/venv/bin/activate
muscle_manager --start-all rd_implementations.ymmsl rd_cpp.ymmsl rd_settings.ymmsl
muscle_manager --start-all rd_implementations.ymmsl rd_python_cpp.ymmsl rd_settings.ymmsl
Note that activating the virtual environment is needed to make the
command available.
Log output
As for the Python model, the manager will make a run directory into which log
files and output are written. You can set muscle_remote_log_level
for C++ models as you can for Python, but in C++ this
will only affect log messages generated by libmuscle, not anything written by
your model. Of course, you can read muscle_local_log_level
or a custom
setting yourself in your F_INIT, and set your log library’s level accordingly.
If the model code logs to standard output or standard error, then
the messages will end up in <rundir>/instances/<instance-id>/stdout.txt
. If the model logs to a file in the working directory, then
you’ll find it in <rundir>/instances/<instance-id>/workdir/
Describing C++ implementations
The only difference between this and the Python-only example is that the C++ implementations are used. These differ a bit from the Python versions:
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH: :<muscle3_prefix>/lib
executable: <muscle3_src>/docs/source/examples/cpp/build/reaction
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH: :<muscle3_prefix>/lib
executable: <muscle3_src>/docs/source/examples/cpp/build/diffusion
Note that <muscle3_prefix>
and <muscle3_src>
are not in there literally,
they are just a placeholder here. When you ran Make, it created this file and
substituted in your local paths. For a real model, you should put in the
absolute path to the installation yourself.
Since we have compiled binaries here which can be executed directly, we don’t
need to run Python, we can just specify their location directly. We do need to
make sure that the MUSCLE3 libraries, which the executables are linked against,
can be found. We do that by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to point to their
location. Since LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is a list, and overwriting it may break
something, we append to it by adding a +
in front of the variable name. Note
the initial colon in the value: this is the separator used in
, and MUSCLE3 will not add it automatically, so it needs to
be there.
Reaction-diffusion in C++
As you can see, running simulations isn’t much different regardless of which
languages the components are written in. Connecting models to libmuscle
also quite similar, although of course there are some differences because the
languages are not the same. Here’s the basic reaction model, without MUSCLE
support, in C++:
Reaction model
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
void reaction() {
double t_max = 2.469136e-07;
double dt = 2.469136e-08;
double x_max = 1.0;
double dx = 0.01;
double k = -40500.0;
std::vector<double> U(lrint(x_max / dx));
U[25] = 2.0;
U[50] = 2.0;
U[75] = 2.0;
double t_cur = 0.0;
while (t_cur + dt < t_max) {
// O_I
// S
for (double & u : U)
u += k * u * dt;
t_cur += dt;
// O_F
This is one of the simplest possible computational models: we set some
parameters, create a state variable U
, initialise the state, and then update
the state in a loop until we reach the final simulation time.
The MUSCLE version in C++ looks quite similar to the Python version:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <libmuscle/libmuscle.hpp>
#include <ymmsl/ymmsl.hpp>
using libmuscle::Data;
using libmuscle::DataConstRef;
using libmuscle::Instance;
using libmuscle::Message;
using ymmsl::Operator;
/** A simple exponential reaction model on a 1D grid.
void reaction(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Instance instance(argc, argv, {
{Operator::F_INIT, {"initial_state"}}, // 1D Grid
{Operator::O_F, {"final_state"}}}); // 1D Grid
while (instance.reuse_instance()) {
double t_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("t_max");
double dt = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dt");
double k = instance.get_setting_as<double>("k");
auto msg = instance.receive("initial_state");
auto data_ptr =<double>();
std::vector<double> U(data_ptr, data_ptr +;
double t_cur = msg.timestamp();
while (t_cur + dt < msg.timestamp() + t_max) {
// O_I
// S
for (double & u : U)
u += k * u * dt;
t_cur += dt;
// O_F
auto result = Data::grid(, {U.size()}, {"x"});
instance.send("final_state", Message(t_cur, result));
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
reaction(argc, argv);
We’ll go through it top to bottom, one piece at a time.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <libmuscle/libmuscle.hpp>
#include <ymmsl/ymmsl.hpp>
using libmuscle::Data;
using libmuscle::DataConstRef;
using libmuscle::Instance;
using libmuscle::Message;
using ymmsl::Operator;
Here we include some headers, and import the classes we’ll need into our root
namespace. cstdlib
is there for the EXIT_SUCCESS
constant at the bottom,
and not needed for MUSCLE. vector
is included because we use std::vector
in the model code. The C++ API mirrors the Python API where applicable, so it
has libmuscle
and ymmsl
like in Python. However, in C++ there is no
separate yMMSL library. Instead the classes needed are included with libmuscle.
This means that there is no support for manipulating yMMSL files from C++.
There are two classes here that don’t have a Python equivalent, Data
. More on that when we use them below.
Creating an Instance
void reaction(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Instance instance(argc, argv, {
{Operator::F_INIT, {"initial_state"}}, // array of double
{Operator::O_F, {"final_state"}}}); // array of double
The reaction
function has changed a bit: it now takes the command line
parameters as arguments. Like the Python version, the C++ libmuscle takes some
information from the command line, but in C++ this needs to be passed
explicitly to the Instance
object. Otherwise, constructing the Instance
is the same: it is passed a dictionary mapping operators to a list of port
descriptions (see PortsDescription
in the API documentation). Like in the
Python version, we’ll be passing a 1D array of doubles between the models.
Reuse loop and settings
while (instance.reuse_instance()) {
double t_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("t_max");
double dt = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dt");
double k = instance.get_setting_as<double>("k");
As in Python, we have a reuse loop, and except for the syntax differences between the languages, the code is exactly the same. Getting settings works as shown; with C++ being a statically typed language, we need to specify the type we’re expecting. As in Python, if the actual type is different, an exception will be thrown.
Supported types for settings are std::string
, bool
, int64_t
, std::vector<double>
and std::vector<std::vector<double>>
There is also a get_setting()
member function, which returns a
object. A SettingValue
can contain a value of any of the
above types, and it can be queried to see what is in it.
Receiving messages and DataConstRef
Instead of initialising our state from a constant, we’re going to receive a
message on our F_INIT
port with the initial state:
auto msg = instance.receive("initial_state");
auto data_ptr =<double>();
std::vector<double> U(data_ptr, data_ptr +;
Calling the receive
method on an instance yields an object of type
. In Python, this is a very simple class with several
public members. In C++, these members are wrapped in accessors, so while the API
is conceptually the same, the syntax is slightly different. Here, we’re
interested in the data that was sent to us, so we use
to access
This returns an object of type libmuscle::DataConstRef
. This type is new in
the C++ version of the library, and it exists because C++ is a statically typed
language, while in a MUSCLE simulation the type of data that is sent in a
message can vary from message to message. So we need some kind of class that can
contain data of many different types, and that’s what Data
are for. Here are some key properties of DataConstRef
is like a reference in that it points to an actual data object of some type. If you copy it into a secondDataConstRef
, bothDataConstRef
variables will point to the same object. Like in Python or in Java.DataConstRef
is constant, you cannot change the data through aDataConstRef
.Memory management for
is automatic, there’s no need todelete
anything. Objects will be deleted from memory when allData
objects pointing to them are gone. Like in Python or in Java.‘’DataConstRef’’ variables can be inspected to see what type of data they contain, and the data can be extracted into a C++ variable of the correct type.
In the code here, we don’t bother with a check. Instead, we blindly assume that we’ve been sent a 1D grid of doubles. If there is no grid, an exception will be thrown and our program will halt. That’s okay, because it means that there’s something wrong somewhere that we need to fix. MUSCLE is designed to let you get away with being a bit sloppy as long as things actually go right, but it will check for problems and let you know if something goes wrong.
A grid in MUSCLE3 is an n-dimensional array of numbers or booleans. It has a shape (size in each dimension), a size (total number of elements), a storage order which says in which order the elements are arranged in memory, and optionally names for the indexes.
Here, we expect a 1D grid of doubles, which is just a vector of numbers. Storage
order is irrelevant then. We’ll use the standard C++ std::vector
class to
contain our state. It has a constructor that takes a pointer to an array of
objects of the appropriate type and the number of them, and copies those objects
into itself. We use the DataConstRef::elements()
to get a pointer to
the elements, and DataConstRef::size()
to get the number of elements,
and that’s all we need to create our state vector U
Note that MUSCLE3 will in this case check that we have the right type of
elements (doubles), but it cannot know and therefore will not check that we’re
expecting a 1D grid. We could check that by hand by checking the length of
to see if it’s 1. See the diffusion model below for an
double t_cur = msg.timestamp();
while (t_cur + dt < msg.timestamp() + t_max) {
// O_I
// S
for (double & u : U)
u += k * u * dt;
t_cur += dt;
The main loop of the model is almost unchanged, we just get the starting time from the received message’s timestamp so as to synchronise with the overall simulation time correctly, and the stopping time is adjusted accordingly as well.
Sending messages and Data
// O_F
auto result = Data::grid(, {U.size()}, {"x"});
instance.send("final_state", Message(t_cur, result));
Having computed our final state, we will send it to the outside world on the
port. In this case, we need to send a 1D grid of doubles, which
we first need to wrap up into a Data
object. A Data
object works just
like a DataConstRef
, except that it isn’t constant, and can thus be
modified. (It is in fact a reference, like DataConstRef
, despite the name,
and it has automatic memory management as well.)
Here, we create a Data
containing a grid. We pass it a pointer to the
numbers in U
, and the shape of our grid, which is a 1-element array because
the grid is 1-dimensional. The third argument contains the names of the indexes,
which helps to avoid confusion over which index is x and which is y (or
row/column, or latitude/longitude, or… you get the idea). You are not
required to add these (and MUSCLE3 doesn’t use them), but you or someone else
using your code will be very grateful you did at some point in the future.
With our data item constructed, we can send a Message
to the final_state
port containing the current timestamp and the data. Note that there are
different ways of creating a Message
, depending on whether you set the next
timestamp, or are using an explicit settings overlay. See the API documentation
for details.
is quite versatile, and makes it easier to send data of various
types between submodels. Here are some other examples of creating Data
objects containing different kinds of data:
// create a Data containing a nil value (None in Python)
Data d1;
// strings, booleans
Data d2("String data");
Data d3(true);
// various kinds of numbers
Data d4(0); // int
Data d5(10u); // unsigned int
Data d6(100l); // long int
Data d7(3.141592f); // float
Data d8(1.4142); // double
// constant list
auto d9 = Data::list("String data", true, 0, 10u, 1.4142);
// dictionary
auto d10 = Data::dict(
"x", x,
"y", y,
"note", "Keys must be strings",
"why_not", Data::list(10, 3.141592, "that's fine"),
"existing_object", d4
// grid
// +-----------------+
// | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 |
// +-----------------+
// | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 |
// +-----------------+
std::vector<double> array = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0};
auto d11 = Data::grid(, {2, 3}, {"row", "col"});
// byte array
std::vector<char> bytes;
auto d12 = Data::byte_array(, bytes.size());
// simple types are created automatically when making a Message
instance.send("output_port", Message(t_cur, 1.0));
std::string text("A text message");
instance.send("output_port", Message(t_cur, text));
// but you have to name dicts, lists, grids and byte arrays
instance.send("output_port", Message(t_cur, Data::list("a", 10)));
For completeness and as an easy-to-use reference, here’s how to unpack those types:
// check whether a DataConstRef contains a nil value (None in Python)
if (d1.is_nil()) ...
// strings, booleans
std::string s =<std::string>();
bool b =<bool>();
// various kinds of numbers
int i =<int>();
unsigned int u =<unsigned int>();
long int l =<long int>();
float f =<float>();
double d =<double>();
// accessing a heterogeneous list
if (!d9.is_a_list())
std::cerr << "Expected a list" << std::endl;
for (std::size_t j = 0u; j < d9.size(); ++j) {
if (d9[j].is_a<std::string>())
std::string s = d9[j].as<std::string>();
else if (d9[j].is_a<bool>())
bool b = d9[j].as<bool>();
else if (d9[j].is_a<int>())
int i = d[9].as<int>();
else if (d9[j].is_a<unsigned int>())
unsigned int u = d9[j].as<unsigned int>();
else if (d9[j].is_a<double>())
double d = d9[j].as<double>();
// accessing a dictionary value
if (!d10.is_a_dict())
std::cerr << "Expected a dict" << std::endl;
std::string s = d10["note"].as<std::string>();
// iterating through a dictionary
for (std::size_t j = 0u; j < d10.size(); ++j) {
std::string k = d10.key(j);
DataConstRef v = d10.value(j);
// check what's in it and process, see list above
// grid
if (d11.is_a_grid_of<double>()) {
std::vector<std::size_t> shape = d11.shape();
std::size_t num_dims = shape.size();
if (num_dims == 2u) {
double const * data_ptr = d11.elements<double>();
for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < shape[0]; ++i) {
std::vector<double> v(
data_ptr + shape[1] * i,
data_ptr + shape[1] * (i + 1));
std::cout << d11.indexes()[0] << " " << i << ": ";
// print v
// byte array
if (d12.is_a_byte_array()) {
char * data_ptr = d12.as_byte_array()
std::vector<char> data(data_ptr, data_ptr + d12.size());
As you can see, sending complex data types with MUSCLE is almost as easy in C++ as it is in Python, while receiving is almost as easy (except for grids, because C++ doesn’t have a built-in multidimensional array type).
There is however a bit of a cost to this ease-of-use in the form of extra memory usage. If you’re sending large amounts of data, then it is best to use as many grids as you can, as those are much more efficient than dictionaries and lists. In particular, a set of objects (agents for example) is much more efficiently sent as a dictionary-of-grids (with one 1D-grid for each attribute) than as a list of dictionaries. (The latter will work up to a million objects or so, but it will be slower.)
Back to the reaction model. We still have one bit left, a simple main()
function that runs the model, passing the command line arguments:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
reaction(argc, argv);
Diffusion model
If you’ve studied the above carefully, and have seen the Python version of the diffusion model, then you should now be able to understand the C++ diffusion model below:
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include <libmuscle/libmuscle.hpp>
#include <ymmsl/ymmsl.hpp>
using libmuscle::Data;
using libmuscle::Instance;
using libmuscle::Message;
using ymmsl::Operator;
/* Calculates the Laplacian of vector Z.
* @param Z A vector representing a series of samples along a line.
* @param dx The spacing between the samples.
std::vector<double> laplacian(std::vector<double> const & Z, double dx) {
std::vector<double> result(Z.size() - 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < result.size(); ++i)
result[i] = (Z[i] + Z[i+2] - 2.0 * Z[i+1]) / (dx * dx);
return result;
/** A simple diffusion model on a 1d grid.
* The state of this model is a 1D grid of concentrations. It sends out the
* state on each timestep on 'state_out', and can receive an updated state
* on 'state_in' at each state update.
void diffusion(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Instance instance(argc, argv, {
{Operator::O_I, {"state_out"}},
{Operator::S, {"state_in"}},
{Operator::O_F, {"final_state_out"}}});
while (instance.reuse_instance()) {
double t_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("t_max");
double dt = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dt");
double x_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("x_max");
double dx = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dx");
double d = instance.get_setting_as<double>("d");
std::vector<double> U(lrint(x_max / dx), 1e-20);
U[25] = 2.0;
U[50] = 2.0;
U[75] = 2.0;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> Us;
double t_cur = 0.0;
while (t_cur + dt <= t_max) {
std::cerr << "t_cur: " << t_cur << ", t_max: " << t_max << std::endl;
// O_I
auto data = Data::grid(, {U.size()}, {"x"});
Message cur_state_msg(t_cur, data);
double t_next = t_cur + dt;
if (t_next + dt <= t_max)
instance.send("state_out", cur_state_msg);
// S
auto msg = instance.receive("state_in", cur_state_msg);
if ( != 1u || != U.size()) {
auto msg = "Received state of incorrect shape or size!";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
std::copy_n(<double>(),, U.begin());
std::vector<double> dU(U.size());
auto lpl = laplacian(U, dx);
for (std::size_t i = 1u; i < dU.size() - 1; ++i)
dU[i] = d * lpl[i-1] * dt;
dU[0] = dU[1];
dU[dU.size() - 1] = dU[dU.size() - 2];
for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < dU.size(); ++i)
U[i] += dU[i];
t_cur += dt;
// O_F
auto data = Data::grid(, {U.size()}, {"x"});
instance.send("final_state_out", Message(t_cur, data));
std::cerr << "All done" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
diffusion(argc, argv);