Checkpointing deep-dive
This checkpointing deep-dive explains the details of the distributed checkpointing implemented in MUSCLE3. Usually you will not need to read or understand these details when you want to run simulations with checkpointing (see User tutorial) or implement checkpointing in a MUSCLE3 component (see Developer tutorial).
Consistency for simulation time checkpoints
In this section we take a look at the three allowed coupling types in the MMSF: call/release, interact and dispatch coupling. In the following sections we will analyze consistency for each of the coupling types.
The underlying assumption is: if we can take consistent snapshots for each pair of coupled components, we can take consistent snapshots of the whole workflow.
Call/release coupling
In this section we will look at the call/release coupling mode. The first example simulation consists of two components: Component 1 and Component 2. They are coupled as follows:
port of Component 1 is connected to theF_INIT
port of Component 2.The
port of Component 2 is connected to theS
port of Component 1.
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |Of|
\ / \ / \ /
Component 2: |Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|
The above schema shows the Operator (F_INIT
, O_I
, S
, Of
) that
each comonent is in during the run. The dots (...
) indicate a blocking
call: in this case it is the receive
during the S
operator of Component
1, and the receive
of the F_INIT
operator of Component 2.
Let’s add the simulation time for each component on the example timeline.
, the internal time is initialized. Component 1 initializes to a constantt0
. Component 2 initializes the time to the timestamp received in the message.During
the state is updated and the simulation time may move forward.
time |t0 |t2 |t4 |t6
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |Of|
\ / \ / \ /
Component 2: |Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3 |t4|t5
We assume that each component only moves forward in time, so \(t_0 \le t_2 \le t_4 \le t_6\) and \(t_0 \le t_1\), \(t_2 \le t_3\) and \(t_4 \le t_5\). The time evolution of Component 2 should be smaller than the time step of Component 1 in this coupling type. Therefore: \(t_1 \le t_2\), \(t_3 \le t_4\) and \(t_5 \le t_6\).
Introducing checkpoints
Component 1 can take checkpoints immediately after the S
operator. Component
2 can only take checkpoints after the O_F
operator. Let’s investigate what
needs to happen when a checkpoint \(t_c\) is requested for different values
of \(t_c\):
\(t_c \leq t_0\)
\(t_0 < t_c \leq t_1\)
\(t_1 < t_c \leq t_2\)
\(t_2 < t_c \leq t_4\)
Note: a checkpoint \(t_4 < t_c \leq t_6\) would behave the same as scenario 4, just at a later point in the simulation, so we won’t work out later checkpoints in detail.
Both components will take a snapshot at the earliest possible moment,
indicated with a C
block in the timelines below.
You may notice that the C
block in Component 2 is blocking. Although
the internal time of Component 2 already exceeded the checkpoint time,
Final snapshots actually determine if a snapshot should be
taken based on the message(s) arriving during the next F_INIT
Both snapshots have the same message counts: 1 message sent/received per
conduit. When resuming, Component 1 starts by sending a new message on
its O_I
port, and Component 2 runs F_INIT
as usual.
time |t0 |t2 |t4 |t6
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |C |Oi|........... S |Oi|........ S |Of|
\ / \ / \ /
Component 2: |Fi|S |Of|........ C |Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3 |t4|t5
For both checkpoint times, a snapshot will be taken at the earliest possible moment.
After the first S
operator, Component 1 is at \(t=t_2\) which is
after the checkpoint time, so it takes a snapshot. After the first reuse
loop, Component 2 receives a message with \(t=t_2\) which is after
the checkpoint time, so it will take a snapshot at the end of the first
reuse loop.
Both snapshots have the same message counts: 1 message sent/received per
conduit. When resuming, Component 1 starts by sending a new message on
its O_I
port, and Component 2 runs F_INIT
as usual.
time |t0 |t2 |t4 |t6
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |C |Oi|........... S |Oi|........ S |Of|
\ / \ / \ /
Component 2: |Fi|S |Of|........ C |Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3 |t4|t5
Both components will take a snapshot at the earliest possible moment,
indicated with a C
block in the timelines below.
After the first S
operator, Component 1 is at \(t=t_2\) which is
before the checkpoint time. After the second S
operator it has
passed the checkpoint time, so it takes a snapshot. This works similarly
for Component 2.
Both snapshots have the same message counts: 2 messages sent/received
per conduit. When resuming, Component 1 starts by sending a new message
on its O_I
port, and Component 2 runs F_INIT
as usual.
time |t0 |t2 |t4 |t6
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |C |Oi|........... S |Of|
\ / \ / \ /
Component 2: |Fi|S |Of|..... Fi|S |Of|........ C |Fi|S |Of|
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3 |t4|t5
Micro component with time integration and intermediate snapshots
Let’s see what happens when we replace Component 2 by Component 3, which does time integration and implements intermediate snapshots.
time |t0 |t4 |t8
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|.............. S |Oi|.............. S |Oi|........
\ / \ / \
Component 3: |Fi|S |S |S |Of|..... Fi|S |S |S |Of|..... Fi|S |S
time |t0|t1|t2|t3 |t4|t5|t6|t7 |t8|t9|t10
For the same reasons as with Component 2, \(t_i \leq t_{i+1}\) for \(i=0,1,...\).
Now, Component 3 can make intermediate snapshots between each S
, but also
final snapshots. Let’s see what effect that has for different checkpoint times:
In this case, both components will take a snapshot at the first possible
moment: right after their first S
Now the snapshots have different message counts. For the O_I ->
conduit both components see 1 message sent/received. For the
other conduit, however, Component 1 already received a message that is
not sent in Component 3’s snapshot.
When resuming, Component 3 resumes in its state update loop and sends a
message back to Component 1 during O_F
. This message is discarded by
Component 1. From that point, the simulation can resume as usual.
time |t0 |t4 |t8
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|................. S |C |Oi|.............. S |Oi|........
\ / \ / \
Component 3: |Fi|S |C |S |S |Of|........ Fi|S |S |S |Of|..... Fi|S |S
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3 |t4|t5|t6|t7 |t8|t9|t10
This is quite similar to the previous case. The difference is that
Component 3 takes its snapshot after the second S
time |t0 |t4 |t8
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|................. S |C |Oi|.............. S |Oi|........
\ / \ / \
Component 3: |Fi|S |S |C |S |Of|........ Fi|S |S |S |Of|..... Fi|S |S
time |t0|t1|t2 |t3 |t4|t5|t6|t7 |t8|t9|t10
The checkpoint for Component 1 does not change. However, in this case Component 3 takes a final snapshot instead of an intermediate snapshot.
Both snapshots have the same message counts: 1 message sent/received
per conduit. When resuming, Component 1 starts by sending a new message
on its O_I
port, and Component 2 runs F_INIT
as usual.
time |t0 |t4 |t8
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|.............. S |C |Oi|................. S |Oi|........
\ / \ / \
Component 3: |Fi|S |S |S |Of|........ C |Fi|S |S |S |Of|..... Fi|S |S
time |t0|t1|t2|t3 |t4|t5|t6|t7 |t8|t9|t10
Interact coupling
In this section we will look at the interact coupling mode. This example simulation consists of two components: Component 1 and Component 2. They are coupled as follows:
port of Component 1 is connected to theS
port of Component 2.The
port of Component 2 is connected to theS
port of Component 1.
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|S |Oi|S |Oi|S |Of|
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|S |Oi|S |Oi|S |Of|
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
Let’s see what happens for different checkpoint times:
In this case, both components make a snapshot After the first S
Both snapshots have the same message counts: 1 message sent/received
per conduit. When resuming, both components send the next message at
and continue with their S
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|S |C |Oi|S |Oi|S |Of|
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|S |C |Oi|S |Oi|S |Of|
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
This is almost the same as on the previous tab, just at a later point in the run.
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|S |Oi|S |C |Oi|S |Of|
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|S |Oi|S |C |Oi|S |Of|
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3
If the two components do not use the same time step, a scale bridge is required
to interpolate. See docs/source/examples/python/
for an
implementation of such a component. The timeline becomes a bit more complicated
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |Oi|................. S |Oi|..... S |Oi|...........
\ / \ / \ / \
Scale bridge: |S |S |Oi|..... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|.....
/ \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|................. S |Oi|............................. S |Oi
time |t0 |t3 |t5
Let’s see what happens for different checkpoint times:
In this case, both components make a snapshot after the first S
block. The scale bridge creates a snapshot after the first two S
Both component snapshots have received one more message on S
the scale bridge has sent. This is no problem: when resuming, the scale
bridge will send the messages again, but those are discarded by both
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........... S |C |Oi|.................... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|...........
\ / \ / \ / \
Scale bridge: |S |S |C |Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |Oi|..... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|.....
/ \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|....................... S |C |Oi|............................. S |Oi
time |t0 |t3 |t5
In this case, both components make a snapshot after the first S
block. The scale bridge creates a snapshot after receiving the second
message from Component 2.
In this case, the scale bridge has received one more message on its
port at its checkpoint moment, than the components have sent at
their checkpoints. Again, this is no problem: the components send their
messages again when resuming, but these are discarded by the scale
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |C |Oi|....................... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|...........
\ / \ / \ / \
Scale bridge: |S |S |Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |C |Oi|..... S |Oi|..... S |Oi|.....
/ \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|.................... S |C |Oi|................................ S |Oi
time |t0 |t3 |t5
Now component 1 takes a snapshot after its second S
phase. Component
still takes a snapshot after its first S
phase. The scale bridge
checkpoints after receiving the third message from Component 1.
Again, the scale bridge has received one more message on its
port at its checkpoint moment, than the components have sent at
their checkpoints. Again, this is no problem: the components send their
messages again when resuming, but these are discarded by the scale
time |t0 |t1 |t2 |t4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|........ S |Oi|.................... S |C |Oi|......... S |Oi|...........
\ / \ / \ / \
Scale bridge: |S |S |Oi|..... S |Oi|........ S |Oi|........ S |C |Oi|..... S |Oi|.....
/ \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|................. S |C |Oi|................................... S |Oi
time |t0 |t3 |t5
Dispatch coupling
Finally, we take a look at two component coupled in dispatch:
port of Component 1 is connected to theF_INIT
port of Component 2.
This leads to the following timeline:
time |t0|t1|t2|t3
Component 1: |Fi|S |S |S |Of|
Component 2: |Fi|S |S |S |Of|
time |t3|t4|t5|t6
In this case, both components make a snapshot after the first S
The snapshot of Component 1 can be combined with the snapshot of Component 2, but then all remaining work of Component 1 will be ignored by Component 2. It is also possible to restart Component 2 from scratch (this is also consistent).
time |t0|t1 |t2|t3
Component 1: |Fi|S |C |S |S |Of|
Component 2: |Fi|S |C |S |S |Of|
time |t3|t4| t5|t6
This is similar to the previous tab. However, Component 1 takes a snapshot at a later point.
In this case, Component 1 does not take a snapshot, unless either:
A checkpoint rule is defined for
, orComponent 1 is executed again (for example, when this is a sub-workflow in a call/release coupling) and a final snapshot is triggered.
When a final snapshot is taken by Component 1, it will be consistent with any checkpoint taken during the exeuction of Component 2 and we can restart the workflow.
time |t0|t1|t2|t3
Component 1: |Fi|S |S |S |Of|C?
Component 2: |Fi|S |C |S |S |Of|
time |t3|t4| t5|t6
(In)consistency for wallclock time checkpoints
In the current implementation, wallclock time checkpoints are taken as soon as possible after exceeding a certain wallclock time. Let’s look at an example where this is not leading to consistent workflow snapshots.
This example is similar to the Interact coupling example seen previously.
port of Component 1 is connected to theS
port of Component 2.The
port of Component 2 is connected to theS
port of Component 1.
However, let’s now look at the wallclock time and assume that Component 1’s
Operator takes longer than Component 2’s, compute time indicated by
Wallclock time: |w1|w2 |w3|w4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|.S ~~~|Oi|.S ~~~|Oi|.S ~~~|Of|
\/ __\/ __\/
/\ / \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|.S |Oi|... S |Oi|... S |Of|
Because Component 1 spends more time in S
, Component 2 is waiting in each
following iteration of S
. Let’s see what happens for different wallclock
time checkpoint moments \(w_c\):
In this case, both components make a snapshot after the first S
At the moment of snapshot, both components have the same number of messages sent/received on their conduits. This is consistent.
Wallclock time: |w1|w2 |w3|w4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|.S ~~~|C |Oi|.S ~~~|Oi|.S ~~~|Of|
\/ __\/ __\/
/\ / \ / \
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|.S |C |Oi|... S |Oi|... S |Of|
Component 1 takes a snapshot after the first S
block, but Component
2 after its second S
The created snapshots are not consistent: Component 2 has sent 1 more message than Component 1 has received. When resuming Component 1 would wait for a message that never comes again, so this is not a valid resume point.
Wallclock time: |w1|w2 |w3|w4
Component 1: |Fi|Oi|.S ~~~|C |Oi|.S ~~~|Oi|.S ~~~|Of|
\/ _____\/ \/
/\ / \ /\
Component 2: |Fi|Oi|.S |Oi|...... S |C |Oi|. S |Of|
As you can see, the second scenario does not lead to consistent checkpoints.