libmuscle.grid module

class libmuscle.grid.Grid(array: numpy.ndarray, indexes: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a grid of data to send or receive.

Note that for received grids, the array of data is a read-only NumPy array. If you have another array that you want to put the received data into, use np.copyto(dest, source) to copy the contents of the received array across into your destination array. If you don’t have an array yet and want a writable version of the received array, use array.copy() to create a writable copy. See the tutorial for examples.


An array of data




The names of the array’s indexes.



Creates a Grid object.

A Grid object represents an multi-dimensional array of data. It has a type, a shape, and optionally a list of index names.

Supported data types are 4- and 8-byte integers (numpy.int32, numpy.int64), 4- and 8-byte floats (numpy.float32, numpy.float64), and booleans (np.bool_, np.bool8). The data argument must be a NumPy array of one of those types.

If indexes is given, then it must be a list of strings of the same length as the number of dimensions of data, and contain the names of the indexes of the array. For a 2D Cartesian grid, these may be 'x' and 'y' for example, or for a polar grid, 'phi' and 'rho'.

  • array – An array of data, of a supported type (see above).

  • indexes – Names of the indexes (see above).