Tutorial with Python

In this section, we’ll look at a few examples of how to use MUSCLE3 to create a multiscale simulation in Python.

The source code for these examples is here. You can also clone the repository or download the source (see the C++ part of the Installation section) and go to docs/source/examples/python, or copy-paste the code from here. If you’re cloning, be sure to use the master branch. develop may have changes incompatible with the current release.

The easiest way to get set up is to create a virtualenv and then install MUSCLE 3 and the additional requirements inside it. Running make in the examples/python directory will make a virtual environment in examples/python/build/venv:

examples/python$ make

# or by hand:
examples/python$ python3 -m venv build/venv              # create venv
examples/python$ . build/venv/bin/activate               # activate it
examples/python$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt        # install dependencies

If you get an error message saying amongst others error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel', try running pip3 install wheel and then pip3 install -r requirements.txt again to fix it. Or if you have administrator rights, apt-get install python3-wheel will also work, and fix this issue for the whole system.

You can then run the example described below by activating the virtual environment, and then running the file reaction_diffusion.py:

examples/python$ . build/venv/bin/activate
exmaples/python$ python3 reaction_diffusion.py

Our first example is a reaction-diffusion model on a 1D grid. It consists of a reaction model coupled to a diffusion model in a macro-micro fashion, with the diffusion model the macro model and the reaction model the micro model. In a macro-micro model with timescale separation, the micro model does a full run (of many timesteps) for every timestep of the macro model. Thus, the macro model effectively calls the micro model before each state update, sending it the current state and using its output as an input for the state update operation.

Here’s how to implement that with MUSCLE3. (A detailed explanation follows below the code.)

import logging
import os

import numpy as np

from libmuscle import Grid, Instance, Message
from libmuscle.runner import run_simulation
from ymmsl import (
        Component, Conduit, Configuration, Model, Operator, Ports, Settings)

def reaction() -> None:
    """A simple exponential reaction model on a 1D grid.
    instance = Instance({
            Operator.F_INIT: ['initial_state'],     # list of float
            Operator.O_F: ['final_state']})         # list of float

    while instance.reuse_instance():
        # F_INIT
        t_max = instance.get_setting('t_max', 'float')
        dt = instance.get_setting('dt', 'float')
        k = instance.get_setting('k', 'float')

        msg = instance.receive('initial_state')
        U = msg.data.array.copy()

        t_cur = msg.timestamp
        while t_cur + dt < msg.timestamp + t_max:
            # O_I

            # S
            U += k * U * dt
            t_cur += dt

        # O_F
        instance.send('final_state', Message(t_cur, None, Grid(U, ['x'])))

def laplacian(Z: np.array, dx: float) -> np.array:
    """Calculates the Laplacian of vector Z.

        Z: A vector representing a series of samples along a line.
        dx: The spacing between the samples.

        The second spatial derivative of Z.
    Zleft = Z[:-2]
    Zright = Z[2:]
    Zcenter = Z[1:-1]
    return (Zleft + Zright - 2. * Zcenter) / dx**2

def diffusion() -> None:
    """A simple diffusion model on a 1d grid.

    The state of this model is a 1D grid of concentrations. It sends
    out the state on each timestep on `state_out`, and can receive an
    updated state on `state_in` at each state update.
    instance = Instance({
            Operator.O_I: ['state_out'],
            Operator.S: ['state_in']})

    while instance.reuse_instance():
        # F_INIT
        t_max = instance.get_setting('t_max', 'float')
        dt = instance.get_setting('dt', 'float')
        x_max = instance.get_setting('x_max', 'float')
        dx = instance.get_setting('dx', 'float')
        d = instance.get_setting('d', 'float')

        U = np.zeros(int(round(x_max / dx))) + 1e-20
        U[25] = 2.0
        U[50] = 2.0
        U[75] = 2.0
        Us = U

        t_cur = 0.0
        while t_cur + dt <= t_max:
            # O_I
            t_next = t_cur + dt
            if t_next + dt > t_max:
                t_next = None
            cur_state_msg = Message(t_cur, t_next, Grid(U, ['x']))
            instance.send('state_out', cur_state_msg)

            # S
            msg = instance.receive('state_in', default=cur_state_msg)
            if msg.timestamp > t_cur + dt:
                logging.warning('Received a message from the future!')
            np.copyto(U, msg.data.array)

            dU = np.zeros_like(U)
            dU[1:-1] = d * laplacian(U, dx) * dt
            dU[0] = dU[1]
            dU[-1] = dU[-2]

            U += dU
            Us = np.vstack((Us, U))
            t_cur += dt

        if 'DONTPLOT' not in os.environ and 'SLURM_NODENAME' not in os.environ:
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                        -0.5*dx, x_max - 0.5*dx,
                        (t_max - 0.5*dt) * 1000.0, -0.5*dt * 1000.0],
            cbar = plt.colorbar()
            cbar.set_label('log(Concentration)', rotation=270, labelpad=20)
            plt.ylabel('t (ms)')
            plt.title('Concentration over time')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    components = [
                'macro', 'diffusion', None,
                Ports(o_i=['state_out'], s=['state_in'])),
                'micro', 'reaction', None,
                Ports(f_init=['initial_state'], o_f=['final_state']))]

    conduits = [
            Conduit('macro.state_out', 'micro.initial_state'),
            Conduit('micro.final_state', 'macro.state_in')]

    model = Model('reaction_diffusion', components, conduits)
    settings = Settings({
        'micro.t_max': 2.469136e-6,
        'micro.dt': 2.469136e-8,
        'macro.t_max': 1.234568e-4,
        'macro.dt': 2.469136e-6,
        'x_max': 1.01,
        'dx': 0.01,
        'k': -4.05e4,     # reaction parameter
        'd': 4.05e-2      # diffusion parameter

    configuration = Configuration(model, settings)

    implementations = {'diffusion': diffusion, 'reaction': reaction}
    run_simulation(configuration, implementations)

Let’s take it step by step.

Importing headers

import logging
import os

import numpy as np

from libmuscle import Grid, Instance, Message
from libmuscle.runner import run_simulation
from ymmsl import (
        Component, Conduit, Configuration, Model, Operator, Ports, Settings)

As usual, we begin by importing some required libraries. OrderedDict and logging come from the Python standard library, and NumPy provides matrix math functionality. From libmuscle, we import libmuscle.Instance, which will represent a model instance in the larger simulation, and libmuscle.Message, which represents a MUSCLE message as passed between instances. The libmuscle.run_simulation() function allows us to run a complete simulation from a single Python file, as opposed to having separate implementations started by the manager.

In order to describe our model, we use a number of definitions from ymmsl-python. More about those below.

A simple submodel

Next is the reaction model. It is defined as a single Python function that takes no arguments and returns nothing. (Note that this code uses type annotations to show the types of function arguments and return values. These are ignored by the Python interpreter, and also by MUSCLE3, so you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to.)

The first step in a MUSCLE model is to create an libmuscle.Instance object:

def reaction() -> None:
    instance = Instance({
            Operator.F_INIT: ['initial_state'],       # list of float
            Operator.O_F: ['final_state']})           # list of float
    # ...

The constructor takes a single argument, a dictionary that maps operators to lists of ports. Ports are used by submodels to exchange messages with the outside world. Ports can be input ports or output ports, but not both at the same time. In this model, we have a single input port named initial_state that will receive an initial state at the beginning of the model run, and a single output port named final_state that sends the final state of the reaction simulation to the rest of the simulation. Note that the type of data that is sent is documented in a comment. This is obviously not required, but it makes life a lot easier if someone else needs to use the code or you haven’t looked at it for a while, so it’s highly recommended. Available types are described below.

The operators will become clear shortly.

The reuse loop

while instance.reuse_instance():
    # F_INIT
    # State update loop
    # O_F

Now that we have an libmuscle.Instance object, we can start the reuse loop. In multiscale simulations, submodels often have to run multiple times, for instance because they’re used as a micro model or because they are part of an ensemble that cannot be completely parallelised. In order to accomplish this, the entire model is wrapped into a loop. Exactly when this loop ends depends on the behaviour of the whole model, and is not easy to determine, but fortunately MUSCLE will do that for us if we call the libmuscle.Instance.reuse_instance() method.

Initialisation: Settings and receiving messages

while instance.reuse_instance():
    # F_INIT
    t_max = instance.get_setting('t_max', 'float')
    dt = instance.get_setting('dt', 'float')
    k = instance.get_setting('k', 'float')

    msg = instance.receive('initial_state')
    U = msg.data.array.copy()

    t_cur = msg.timestamp

Next is the first part of the model, in which the state is initialised. Pretty much every model has such an initialisation phase at the beginning. In MUSCLE’s abstract idea of what a submodel does, the Submodel Execution Loop, this part of the code is referred to as the F_INIT operator. Here, we ask MUSCLE for the values of some settings that we’re going to need later, in particular the total time to simulate, the time step to use, and the model parameter k. The second argument, which specifies the expected type, is optional. If it’s given, MUSCLE will check that the user specified a value of the correct type, and if not raise an exception. Note that getting settings needs to happen within the reuse loop; doing it before can lead to incorrect results.

After getting our settings, we receive the initial state on the initial_state port. Note that we have declared that port above, and declared it to be associated with the F_INIT operator. During F_INIT, messages can only be received, not sent, so that declaration makes initial_state a receiving port.

The message that we receive contains several bits of information. Here, we are interested in the data attribute, which we assume to be a grid of floats containing our initial state, which we’ll call U. The msg.data attribute holds an object of type libmuscle.Grid, which holds a read-only NumPy array and optionally a list of index names. Here, we take the array and make a copy of it for U, so that we can modify U in our upcoming state update. Without calling .copy(), U would end up pointing to the same read-only array, and we’d get an error message if we tried to modify it.

Finally, we’ll initialise our simulation time to the time at which that state is valid, which is contained in the timestamp attribute. This is a double precision float containing the number of simulated (not wall-clock) seconds since the whole simulation started.

The state update loop


while t_cur + dt < msg.timestamp + t_max:
    # O_I

    # S
    U += k * U * dt
    t_cur += dt

# O_F

Having initialised the model, it is now time for the state update loop. This code should look familiar: we loop until we reach our maximum time (now relative to when we started), and on each iteration update the state according to the model equation. This state update is called operator S in the Submodel Execution Loop, and in this model, it is determined entirely by the current state. Since no information from outside is needed, we do not receive any messages, and in our libmuscle.Instance declaration above, we did not declare any ports associated with Operator.S.

The Submodel Execution Loop specifies another operator within the state update loop, which is called O_I and comes before S. This operator provides for observations of intermediate states. In other words, here is where you can send a message to the outside world with (part of) the current state. In this case, the O_I operator is empty; we’re not sending anything. While this makes the model a bit less reusable (it won’t work as a macro-model like this), it is perfectly legal. MUSCLE tries hard to let you break in places where it doesn’t break anything, and where it does it tries to give a helpful error message.

Sending the final result

# O_F
instance.send('final_state', Message(t_cur, None, Grid(U, ['x'])))

After the update loop is done, the model has arrived at its final state. We finish up by sharing that final state with the outside world, by sending it on the final_state port. The part of the code after the state update loop (but still within the reuse loop) is known as the O_F operator in the Submodel Execution Loop, so that is where we declared this port to live in our libmuscle.Instance declaration above.

To send a message, we specify the port on which to send (which must match the declaration by name and operator), and a Message object containing the current simulation time and the current state, converted to a Grid. The optional second parameter is a second timestamp, which will be discussed below, and is set to None here.

MUSCLE3 uses MessagePack to encode messages between models. MessagePack is a binary encoding format which can be thought of as a binary version of JSON. That means that the message can be an integer, float, bool, string, or a list or dictionary containing such, and MUSCLE3 additionally supports NumPy arrays and byte arrays. Like with JSON, these can be nested, so you can send a dictionary containing lists of floats for example.

MessagePack is self-describing, so you can inspect the received message to find out what you were sent. In most cases, all data you send on a particular port will be of the same type, and you will expect data in a particular format when receiving. We intentionally chose a self-describing format to keep you from having to change a definition and recompile bindings every time you change what you send. That does have a downside in that it makes it more difficult to see what should be sent to someone elses submodel. So please make sure that you document, for each port, which data type you’re expecting or sending! Your future colleagues (and possibly your future self) will thank you.

MessagePack is an extensible format, and since sending grids is very common in these kinds of models MUSCLE3 supports sending NumPy arrays directly. Here, we wrap our array U into a libmuscle.Grid object, so that we can add the name of the dimensions. In this case there’s only one, and x is not very descriptive, so we could have also passed U directly, in which case MUSCLE would have sent a libmuscle.Grid without index names automatically.

Note that grids (and NumPy arrays) are much more efficient than lists and dictionaries. If you have a lot of data to send, then you should use those as much as possible. For example, a set of agents is best sent as a dictionary of 1D NumPy arrays, with one array/grid for each attribute. A list of dictionaries will be quite a bit slower and use a lot more memory, but it should work up to a million or so objects.

Finally, if you want to use your own encoding, you can just send a bytes object, which will be transmitted as-is, with minimal overhead.

This concludes our reaction model. As you can see, submodels that are used with MUSCLE3 very much look like they would without. With one additional variable, one extra loop, and a few send and receive statements you’re ready to connect your model into a larger simulation.

Message timestamps

In order to make a coupled simulation, we need at least two models. The second model here is the diffusion model. Its overall structure is the same as for the reaction model, but it has a few additional features. The first of these is an O_I operator.

# O_I
t_next = t_cur + dt
if t_next + dt > t_max:
    t_next = None
cur_state_msg = Message(t_cur, t_next, Grid(U, ['x']))
instance.send('state_out', cur_state_msg)

Since the diffusion model is the macro-submodel in this model, it needs to send its state to the outside world on every timestep. This is done in the O_I operator. The message contains the state, converted to a libmuscle.Grid, and it is sent on the state_out port, which was declared for the O_I operator when we made the libmuscle.Instance for this model. The message is sent with the current simulation time, and a second timestamp that gives the simulation time for the next message that will be sent on this port. Since our time steps are fixed, this is easy to calculate. We do need to take care to send None if this is the final message on this port however, since there won’t be another message in that case.

This deserves a bit more explanation. First, MUSCLE3 does not use the timestamps that are attached to the messages for anything, and in this particular case, always sending None for the second timestamp will work fine. These timestamps are necessary if two submodels with timescale overlap need to be connected together. In that case, both models will run concurrently, and they will exchange messages between their O_I and S operators.

If their time scales (step sizes) do not match exactly, then the number of messages sent by one submodel does not match the number of messages that the other submodel is trying to receive, and one will end up waiting for the other, bringing the whole simulation to a halt. To avoid this, an intermediate component needs to be inserted, which interpolates the messages. In order to send and receive in the correct order, this component needs to know when the next message will be sent, and that is when the second timestamp is required. See docs/source/examples/python/interact_coupling.py for a documented example.

So, to make your submodel more generically usable, it’s good to set the second timestamp. But perhaps you’re trying to connect an existing codebase that uses varying timestep sizes, and it’s not easy to get it to tell you how big the next timestep will be. In that case, if you’re not doing time scale overlap, just put None there and move on to the next problem, it’ll work just fine.

Receiving messages with a default

# S
msg = instance.receive('state_in', default=cur_state_msg)
if msg.timestamp > t_cur + dt:
    logger.warning('Received a message from the future!')
np.copyto(U, msg.data.array)

The diffusion model being the macro-model, it will need to receive input for its state update from the micro-model, which it does by calling libmuscle.Instance.receive(). This receive is a bit special in that we are passing a default message. The default message is returned if this port is not connected. We are cleverly passing the message containing our current state, so that if this port is not connected, the model continues from its current state. Since MUSCLE3 will simply ignore a send command on a disconnected port, this makes it possible to run the diffusion model without a micro-model attached.

Of course, a sensible default value will not be available in all cases, but if there is one, using it like this is a good idea.

Next, we check that we didn’t receive a message from the future. This can happen if the micro-model runs for longer than our macro-model timestep. In this case, the number of steps is fixed, so that this warning will never be emitted. However, if the micro-model runs until it detects convergence, then it can happen that it runs for longer than the timestep of the macro-model, and that would indicate that there is no timescale separation anymore. In that case, the result could be wrong, and a warning is appropriate.

Then, we copy the received data into our state array. The received libmuscle.Grid object contains a read-only array, and just writing U = msg.data.array would discard the state we have in U, and instead make the variable U refer to the received read-only array. We would then get an error message when trying to update the state. The np.copyto function instead copies the (read-only) contents of msg.data.array into the existing (writable) array referred to by U. This way, we can do our state update, and it’s also a bit more efficient than reallocating memory all the time.

The S operator here calls the laplacian() function (not shown). There is no requirement for a submodel to be a single function, you can split it up, call library functions, and so on. There has to be a top-level function however if you want to run more than one submodel in a single Python program. Also, you cannot share any data with other components, other than by sending and receiving messages. In particular, you can’t use global variables to communicate between models. This is intentional, because it doesn’t work if you’re running as separate programs on different computers.

Connecting it all together

With both models defined, we now need to instruct MUSCLE3 on how to connect them together. We do this by creating an object of type ymmsl.Configuration, which contains all the information needed to run the simulation. It often helps to draw a diagram first:


gMMSL diagram of the reaction-diffusion model.

This is a gMMSL diagram of the reaction-diffusion model. It shows that there are two components named macro and micro. A conduit connects port state_out on macro to state_in on micro. The symbols at the ends of the conduit show the operators that the ports belong to, O_I for macro.state_out and F_INIT for micro.state_in. Another conduit connects port micro.final_state (O_F) to macro.state_in (S).

Note that there’s a mnemonic here: Operators O_I and S, which are within the state update loop, have a circular symbol, while F_INIT and O_F use a diamond shape. Also, filled symbols designate ports on which messages are sent, while open symbols designate receiving ports. We can therefore see that for each state update, macro will send on state_out, after which micro will do a full run and send its final result as input for the next state update of macro.

Since diagrams aren’t valid Python, we need an alternative way of describing this model in our code. For this, we use the ymmsl library to create a set of objects that form a description.

components = [
                'macro', 'diffusion', 1,
                Ports(o_i=['state_out'], s=['state_in'])),
                'micro', 'reaction', 1,
                Ports(f_init['initial_state'], o_f=['final_state']))]

First, we describe the two components in this model. Components can be submodels, or helper components that convert data, control the simulation, or otherwise implement required non-model functionality. In this simple example, we only have two submodels: one named macro and one named micro. Macro is implemented by an implementation named diffusion, while micro is implemented by an implementation named reaction.

The name of a component is used by MUSCLE as an address for communication between the models. The implementation name is intended for use by a launcher, which would start the corresponding program to create an instance of a component. It is these instances that form the actual running simulation.

conduits = [
        Conduit('macro.state_out', 'micro.initial_state'),
        Conduit('micro.final_state', 'macro.state_in')]

model = Model('reaction_diffusion', components, conduits)

Next, we need to connect the components together. This is done by conduits, which have a sender and a receiver. Here, we connect sending port state_out on component macro to receiving port initial_state on component micro. Note that these ports are actually defined in the implementations, and not in this configuration file, and they are referred to here.

The components and the conduits together form a Model, which has a name and those two sets of objects.

settings = Settings({
    'micro.t_max': 2.469136e-6,
    'micro.dt': 2.469136e-8,
    'macro.t_max': 1.234568e-4,
    'macro.dt': 2.469136e-6,
    'x_max': 1.01,
    'dx': 0.01,
    'k': -4.05e4,     # reaction parameter
    'd': 4.05e-2      # diffusion parameter

configuration = Configuration(model, settings)

Finally, we define the settings for our simulation by constructing a ymmsl.Settings object from a dictionary. Note that there are two duplicated names between the two models: t_max and dt. With MUSCLE3, you can create a global setting with that name to set it to the same value everywhere (handy for settings that are used by multiple components), or you can prepend the name of the component to set the value for a specific one. Specific settings go before generic ones, so if you specify both micro.t_max and t_max, then the micro component will use micro.t_max and all others will use t_max.

The model and the settings are combined into a Configuration, which contains everything needed to run the simulation. A Configuration object is also the Python-side equivalent to a yMMSL YAML file.

Launching the simulation

There are two ways of launching a MUSCLE3 simulation: locally in a Python script (as we do here), and by having the MUSCLE Manager start a set of programs implementing the components. The first option puts everything into one or more Python files and is suitable for testing, experimentation, learning, and small scale production use on a local machine. The second option, described in the `Distributed execution`_ section, is needed for larger simulations possibly on HPC machines, or if any of the components is not written in Python.

Here, we’re learning, and we have all our models in a Python file already, so we’ll use the first option to tie them together. This uses the libmuscle.run_simulation() function:

implementations = {'diffusion': diffusion, 'reaction': reaction}
run_simulation(configuration, implementations)

Here, we make a dictionary that maps implementation names to the corresponding Python functions. We then pass the configuration and the implementations to libmuscle.run_simulation(), which will start the muscle_manager and the implementations, and then wait for the simulation to finish.

Note that this will actually fork off a separate process for the manager and for each implementation, so that this is a real distributed simulation, albeit on a single machine. That makes this mode of operation a more realistic test case for a real distributed run on an HPC machine, smoothing the transition to larger compute resources.

If you run the script, e.g. using

(venv) python$ python3 reaction_diffusion.py

it will pop up a plot showing the state of the simulated system over time. If you are on a machine without graphics support, then you will get an error message if you run the above, saying something like couldn't connect to display. In that case, try the below command to disable graphical output:

(venv) python$ DONTPLOT=1 python3 reaction_diffusion.py

Log output

Logging for the models is handled by the normal Python logging framework, which we configured in __main__, and which prints log messages on the screen. Because that gets really difficult to follow with multiple models running simultaneously, MUSCLE’s run_simulation automatically redirects each model’s output to a separate file. After running the simulation, you will find three log files in the current directory: muscle3_manager.log, muscle3.macro.log and muscle3.micro.log. The first logs the simulation from the perspective of the MUSCLE Manager, the others do the same for each submodel. Have a look to see what really happened when running the simulation!

By default, Python (and MUSCLE3) only logs messages at level WARNING or higher. To be able to see better what’s going on, we configure it to also log messages at INFO level:


For even more detail, you can set the log level to logging.DEBUG, but be aware that matplotlib outputs rather a lot of information at that level. So it’s better to set only libmuscle to that level, by adding a line to the above:


This will produce a lot more output, including all sorts of technical details that you probably don’t want to be bothered with at this point. Set it to logging.WARNING and libmuscle will be nice and quiet unless something goes wrong.

The minimum log level for sending a message to the central log file (muscle_manager.log) is set by the muscle_remote_log_level setting. For example, if you change the example to read

settings = Settings(OrderedDict([
            ('muscle_remote_log_level', 'DEBUG'),
            ('micro.t_max', 2.469136e-6),
            ('micro.dt', 2.469136e-8),
            ('macro.t_max', 1.234568e-4),
            ('macro.dt', 2.469136e-6),
            ('x_max', 1.01),
            ('dx', 0.01),
            ('k', -4.05e4),     # reaction parameter
            ('d', 4.05e-2)      # diffusion parameter

then all log messages at level DEBUG or up from all submodels will be sent to the manager log. Note that the local log level will always be kept at least as low as the remote one, so the above also sets the local level to DEBUG. As a result, those debug messages will also be in the submodel log files.

Unfortunately, matplotlib produces quite a mess at DEBUG level, so you may want to quiet it down a bit:


As you may have noticed if you ran with Matplotlib output enabled, logging to the manager does slow down the simulation if you have many log statements. So it’s good to use this to debug and to learn, but do increase the level again for production runs.

Finally, muscle_local_log_level can be used to set the local log level, but note that this only affects the libmuscle library. If you want to be able to change the log output of your model as well via a setting, you’ll have to read the setting (or another setting with a different name) and configure logging accordingly yourself.