
MUSCLE3 uses Git on GitHub for version management, using the Git Flow branching model. Making a release involves quite a few steps, so they’re listed here to help make the process more reliable; this information is really only useful for the maintainers.

Check metadata

  • Check the metadata in, and update as necessary

  • Check the dependencies, and fix them to an appropriate range of versions

  • Check the copyright date and owners in README.rst and docs/ and update as necessary.

Update the changelog

Each release should have an entry in the CHANGELOG.rst describing the new features and fixed problems. Use the git log to get a list of the changes, and switch to the development branch:

git log <your favourite options>
git checkout develop

and then edit CHANGELOG.rst and commit.

git add CHANGELOG.rst
git commit -m 'Add version x.y.z to the change log'

Make a release branch

To start the release process, make a release branch

git checkout -b release-x.y.z develop

MUSCLE3 uses Semantic Versioning, so name the new version accordingly.

Update version

Next, the version should be updated. There is a single version tag in the VERSION file in the root of the repository. On the development branch, the version should be set to x.y.z-dev, where x.y.z is the next expected version (it’s fine if that changes later, e.g. because you end up releasing 2.0.0 rather than 1.4.0). On the release branch, it should be set to the number of this release of course.

Check documentation

Next, we should build the documentation to ensure that the new version number shows up:

make docs

It may give some warnings about missing references, that’s a known issue and normally harmless. Next, point your web browser to docs/build/html/index.html and verify that the documentation built correctly. In particular, the new version number should be in the browser’s title bar as well as in the blue box on the top left of the page.

Run tests

Before we make a commit, the tests should be run, and this is a good idea anyway if we’re making a release. So run make test and check that everything is in order.

Commit the version update

This is the usual Git poem:

git add VERSION
git commit -m 'Set release version to x.y.z'
git push --set-upstream origin release-x.y.z

This will trigger the Continuous Integration, so check that that’s not giving any errors while we’re at it.

Fix badges

The badges in the README.rst normally point to the development branch versions of everything. For the master branch, they should point to the master version. Note that for Codacy there is only one badge, so no change is needed.

# edit README.rst
git add README.rst
git commit -m 'Update badges to point to master'
git push

Merge into the master branch

If all seems to be well, then we can merge the release branch into the master branch and tag it, thus making a release, at least as far as Git Flow is concerned. We use the -X theirs option here to resolve the merge conflict caused by the version update that was done for the previous release, which we don’t have on this branch. The last command is to push the tag, which is important for GitHub and GitHub integrations.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff -X theirs release-x.y.z
git tag -a x.y.z -m 'Release x.y.z'
git push
git push origin x.y.z

Make a GitHub release

In order to get a DOI for this release, we need to make a release on GitHub. Go to the MUSCLE3 GitHub repository and click ‘Releases’. Select ‘Draft a new release’, select the x.y.z. tag that we just uploaded, and use ‘Release x.y.z’ as the title.

The main text ends up as the description on Zenodo, so start with the first three paragraphs from the Introduction section of the documentation to give people an idea of what they’re looking at. Then copy-paste the description of the current release from the change log, and convert it from ReStructuredText to MarkDown.

Optionally select ‘This is a pre-release’ if it’s not a final version, then publish it.

Build and release to PyPI

Finally, the new version needs to be built and uploaded to PyPI, so that people can start using it. To build, use:

rm -r ./build
python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Note that we remove ./build, which is the build directory setuptools uses, to ensure that we’re doing a clean build, I’ve seen some weird mixes of versions on occasion so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

We can then check to see if everything is okay using

twine check dist/muscle3-x.y.z*

and if all seems well, we can upload to PyPI:

twine upload dist/muscle3-x.y.z*

Announce release

Announce the release in the usual places, so that people know it exists. There should be a short release message listing new features and fixed bugs, and don’t forget to thank everyone who contributed!

Merge the release branch back into develop

The above concludes the release, but we need to do one more thing to be able to continue developing. The release branch contains some changes to the change log that we want to have back on the develop branch. So we’ll merge it back in:

git checkout develop
git merge --no-commit release-x.y.z

We use –no-commit to give ourselves a chance to edit the changes before committing them. Make sure that README.rst is taken from the develop side, CHANGELOG.rst comes from the release branch, and VERSION is given a new number, probably x.y.{z+1}-dev unless you have big plans. When done, commit the merge and continue developing.

Update issues

Go through the issues on GitHub and close tho ones for which a fix was released. Or if they were created by someone else, ask the user to check that the new version solves their problem and close the issue if it does.