Source code for libmuscle.snapshot

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, cast

import msgpack
from ymmsl import Reference, Settings

from libmuscle.mpp_message import MPPMessage
from libmuscle import communicator

[docs]class Snapshot(ABC): """Snapshot data structure. This is an abstract base class, implementations are provided by subclasses. """ SNAPSHOT_VERSION_BYTE = b'\0' def __init__(self, triggers: List[str], wallclock_time: float, port_message_counts: Dict[str, List[int]], is_final_snapshot: bool, message: Optional['communicator.Message'], settings_overlay: Settings) -> None: self.triggers = triggers self.wallclock_time = wallclock_time self.port_message_counts = port_message_counts self.is_final_snapshot = is_final_snapshot self.message = message # self.message is None for implicit snapshots, so we cannot store the # Settings overlay in that message object. self.settings_overlay = settings_overlay
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_bytes(cls, data: bytes) -> 'Snapshot': """Create a snapshot object from binary data. Args: data: binary data representing the snapshot. Note that this must **exclude** the versioning byte. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: """Convert the snapshot object to binary data. Returns: Binary data representing the snapshot. Note that this must **exclude** the versioning byte. """ ...
[docs]class MsgPackSnapshot(Snapshot): """Snapshot stored in messagepack format """ SNAPSHOT_VERSION_BYTE = b'1'
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, data: bytes) -> 'Snapshot': dct = msgpack.loads(data) return cls(dct['triggers'], dct['wallclock_time'], dct['port_message_counts'], dct['is_final_snapshot'], cls.bytes_to_message(dct['message']), Settings(dct['settings_overlay']))
[docs] def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: return cast(bytes, msgpack.dumps({ 'triggers': self.triggers, 'wallclock_time': self.wallclock_time, 'port_message_counts': self.port_message_counts, 'is_final_snapshot': self.is_final_snapshot, 'message': self.message_to_bytes(self.message), 'settings_overlay': self.settings_overlay.as_ordered_dict() }))
[docs] @staticmethod def message_to_bytes(message: Optional['communicator.Message']) -> bytes: """Use MPPMessage serializer for serializing the message object """ if message is None: return b'' settings = Settings() if message.settings is not None: settings = message.settings return MPPMessage(Reference('_'), Reference('_'), None, message.timestamp, message.next_timestamp, settings, 0, -1.0,
[docs] @staticmethod def bytes_to_message(data: bytes) -> Optional['communicator.Message']: """Use MPPMessage deserializer for serializing the message object """ if not data: return None mpp_message = MPPMessage.from_bytes(data) return communicator.Message(mpp_message.timestamp, mpp_message.next_timestamp,, mpp_message.settings_overlay)
[docs]@dataclass class SnapshotMetadata: """Metadata of a snapshot for sending to the muscle_manager. """ triggers: List[str] wallclock_time: float timestamp: float next_timestamp: Optional[float] port_message_counts: Dict[str, List[int]] is_final_snapshot: bool # storing as str, because Path cannot be serialized by msgpack snapshot_filename: str
[docs] @staticmethod def from_snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot, snapshot_filename: str ) -> 'SnapshotMetadata': """Create snapshot metadata from the given snapshot and filename """ return SnapshotMetadata( snapshot.triggers, snapshot.wallclock_time, snapshot.message.timestamp if snapshot.message else float('NaN'), snapshot.message.next_timestamp if snapshot.message else None, snapshot.port_message_counts, snapshot.is_final_snapshot, snapshot_filename )