MPI, the Message Passing Interface, is the most widely used communications middleware for High-Performance Computing. It’s very low-level, but also usually very well optimised, and perhaps more importantly, the standard. Many existing HPC applications use MPI for communication, either directly or through a library.

Chances are, therefore, that you will run into a submodel that uses MPI and that you want to connect to MUSCLE 3. MUSCLE 3 supports this (only in C++ and Fortran for now), but as always with MPI, some extra care needs to be taken because things run in parallel.

MPI follows the Single-Program Multiple Data paradigm, which means that there are many copies of your program running simultaneously doing the same thing, except that some of the data they’re processing are different for each copy, and every once in a while the copies communicate.

The MUSCLE parts of the simulation follow this: each process makes an Instance, each process runs through the reuse loop, and each process calls the send and receive functions at the same time. Two exceptions are that configuring ports may only be done in the root process, and getting settings can be done anytime and anywhere.

This section shows how to use MUSCLE 3 with MPI from C++ and Fortran, based on the same reaction-diffusion model given in the C++ and Fortran sections, but now with a reaction model that uses MPI. It will help if you’ve read the Python tutorial and the C++ or Fortran section first, and some experience with MPI or having browsed through a tutorial will help.

The source code for the example in this section is here. You can also go to docs/source/examples/cpp in the source directory (that’s easiest, and has some handy scripts and a Makefile), or copy-paste the code from here. For Fortran, there is also an online version and a version in your local source tree at docs/source/examples/fortran.

Building and running the example

If you’ve just built and installed the C++ version of libmuscle, then you’re all set to build the examples. Go into the docs/source/examples subdirectory of the source directory, and type MUSCLE3_HOME=<PREFIX> MUSCLE_ENABLE_MPI=1 make cpp python and the examples will be compiled and linked against your new libmuscle. For Fortran, use MUSCLE3_HOME=<PREFIX> MUSCLE_ENABLE_MPI=1 make fortran python instead.

In order to run the examples, you’ll need the Python version of MUSCLE 3 installed, because you need the MUSCLE Manager, which is why python needs to be added to the Make command. The build system will set up a virtual environment in docs/source/examples/python/build/venv with everything needed to run the examples.

You can then run the examples using the provided scripts in docs/source/examples:

~/muscle3_source/docs/source/examples$ MUSCLE3_HOME=~/muscle3 ./
~/muscle3_source/docs/source/examples$ MUSCLE3_HOME=~/muscle3 ./

Note that these examples are compiled with slightly different options compared to the non-MPI examples, and you should use those as well when compiling your own MPI-based submodels. See the Installing section for details.

MPI Reaction model

Here is the C++-and-MPI version of the reaction model:

#include <cstdlib>

#include <mpi.h>

#include <libmuscle/libmuscle.hpp>
#include <ymmsl/ymmsl.hpp>

using libmuscle::Data;
using libmuscle::DataConstRef;
using libmuscle::Instance;
using libmuscle::Message;
using ymmsl::Operator;

/** A simple exponential reaction model on a 1D grid. MPI version.
void reaction(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    const int root_rank = 0;
    int rank, num_ranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_ranks);

    Instance instance(argc, argv, {
            {Operator::F_INIT, {"initial_state"}},  // list of double
            {Operator::O_F, {"final_state"}}},      // list of double
            MPI_COMM_WORLD, root_rank);

    while (instance.reuse_instance()) {
        // F_INIT
        double t_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("t_max");
        double dt = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dt");
        double k = instance.get_setting_as<double>("k");

        std::vector<double> U, U_all;
        int U_size;
        double t_cur, t_end;

        auto msg = instance.receive("initial_state");

        if (rank == root_rank) {
            auto data_ptr =<double>();
            std::copy_n(data_ptr,, U_all.begin());

            t_cur = msg.timestamp();
            t_end = t_cur + t_max;

            U_size = U_all.size() / num_ranks;
            if (U_size * num_ranks != U_all.size()) {
                instance.error_shutdown("State does not divide evenly");
                throw std::runtime_error("State does not divide evenly");
        MPI_Bcast(&U_size, 1, MPI_INT, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Scatter(, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
          , U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
                    root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        MPI_Bcast(&t_cur, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Bcast(&t_end, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        while (t_cur + dt < t_end) {
            // O_I

            // S
            for (double & u : U)
                u += k * u * dt;
            t_cur += dt;

        // O_F
        MPI_Gather(, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
         , U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
                   root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        if (rank == root_rank) {
            auto result = Data::grid(, {U_all.size()}, {"x"});
            instance.send("final_state", Message(t_cur, result));

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    reaction(argc, argv);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

And this is the Fortran-and-MPI version of the reaction model:

program reaction_mpi
    use mpi
    use ymmsl
    use libmuscle_mpi
    implicit none

    type(LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription) :: ports
    type(LIBMUSCLE_Instance) :: instance

    type(LIBMUSCLE_Message) :: rmsg
    type(LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef) :: rdata, item

    type(LIBMUSCLE_Message) :: smsg
    type(LIBMUSCLE_Data) :: sdata

    integer, parameter :: root_rank = 0
    integer :: rank, num_ranks, ierr
    real (selected_real_kind(15)) :: t_cur, t_max, t_end, dt, k
    integer :: i, U_size, U_all_size
    real (selected_real_kind(15)), dimension(:), allocatable :: U, U_all

    call MPI_Init(ierr)
    call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)
    call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_ranks, ierr)

    ports = LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_create()
    call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_add(ports, YMMSL_Operator_F_INIT, 'initial_state')
    call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_add(ports, YMMSL_Operator_O_F, 'final_state')
    instance = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_create(ports, MPI_COMM_WORLD, root_rank)
    call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_free(ports)

    do while (LIBMUSCLE_Instance_reuse_instance(instance))
        ! F_INIT
        t_max = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 't_max')
        dt = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 'dt')
        k = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 'k')

        rmsg = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_receive(instance, 'initial_state')

        if (rank == root_rank) then
            rdata = LIBMUSCLE_Message_get_data(rmsg)
            U_all_size = LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_size(rdata)
            allocate (U_all(U_all_size))
            call LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_elements(rdata, U_all)
            call LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_free(rdata)

            t_cur = LIBMUSCLE_Message_timestamp(rmsg)
            t_end = LIBMUSCLE_Message_timestamp(rmsg) + t_max
            call LIBMUSCLE_Message_free(rmsg)

            U_size = U_all_size / num_ranks
            if (U_size * num_ranks /= U_all_size) then
                call LIBMUSCLE_Instance_error_shutdown(instance, 'State does not divide evenly')
                print *, 'State does not divide evenly'
            end if
        end if

        call MPI_Bcast(U_size, 1, MPI_INT, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
        allocate (U(U_size))
        call MPI_Scatter(U_all, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,  &
                         U, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,      &
                         root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

        call MPI_Bcast(t_cur, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
        call MPI_Bcast(t_end, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

        do while (t_cur + dt < t_end)
            ! O_I

            ! S
            U = k * U * dt
            t_cur = t_cur + dt
        end do

        ! O_F
        call MPI_Gather(U, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,       &
                        U_all, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,   &
                        root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

        if (rank == root_rank) then
            sdata = LIBMUSCLE_Data_create_grid(U_all, 'x')
            smsg = LIBMUSCLE_Message_create(t_cur, sdata)
            call LIBMUSCLE_Instance_send(instance, 'final_state', smsg)

            call LIBMUSCLE_Message_free(smsg)
            call LIBMUSCLE_Data_free(sdata)
            deallocate (U_all)
        end if
        deallocate (U)
    end do

    call LIBMUSCLE_Instance_free(instance)
    call MPI_Finalize(ierr)

end program reaction_mpi

We’ll go through it top to bottom, one piece at a time, focusing on the differences with the plain C++ and Fortran versions.

Headers and modules

#include <mpi.h>

#include <libmuscle/libmuscle.hpp>
#include <ymmsl/ymmsl.hpp>

In order to use MPI, we need to include the MPI header. The headers for libmuscle are unchanged. Remember that we’re compiling with MUSCLE_ENABLE_MPI defined however, and this changes the API slightly as shown below.

use mpi
use ymmsl
use libmuscle_mpi

In Fortran, we use the mpi module to be able to make MPI calls, and libmuscle_mpi to get the MPI-enabled version of the MUSCLE 3 API.

void reaction(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    const int root_rank = 0;
    int rank, num_ranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_ranks);
integer, parameter :: root_rank = 0
integer :: rank, num_ranks, ierr

call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierr)
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_ranks, ierr)

In MPI, all parallel processes are equal, but from time to time something must be done from, to, or in only one of the processes, and so one process needs to be declared special. This is called the root process, and it’s usually the one with rank zero. That’s what we do here as well, and then we ask MPI for the rank of the current process, and the total number of processes.

Creating an Instance

Instance instance(argc, argv, {
        {Operator::F_INIT, {"initial_state"}},  // list of double
        {Operator::O_F, {"final_state"}}},      // list of double
        MPI_COMM_WORLD, root_rank);
ports = LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_create()
call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_add(ports, YMMSL_Operator_F_INIT, 'initial_state')
call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_add(ports, YMMSL_Operator_O_F, 'final_state')
instance = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_create(ports, MPI_COMM_WORLD, root_rank)
call LIBMUSCLE_PortsDescription_free(ports)

When MUSCLE 3 is used in MPI mode, the Instance constructor takes two extra arguments: an MPI communicator, and the rank of the root process. These default to MPI_COMM_WORLD and 0, respectively. MUSCLE 3 will create a copy of the given communicator for internal use; the one you pass must contain all processes in your submodel. MUSCLE 3 will do all communication with other submodels from the process with the given root rank, and that process is special when sending and receiving as described below.

Reuse loop and settings

while (instance.reuse_instance()) {
    // F_INIT
    double t_max = instance.get_setting_as<double>("t_max");
    double dt = instance.get_setting_as<double>("dt");
    double k = instance.get_setting_as<double>("k");
do while (LIBMUSCLE_Instance_reuse_instance(instance))
    ! F_INIT
    t_max = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 't_max')
    dt = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 'dt')
    k = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_get_setting_as_real8(instance, 'k')

This part is unchanged from the non-MPI versions. This means that all processes enter the reuse loop together. With MPI enabled, reuse_instance() is effectively a collective operation, so it must be called in all processes simultaneously.

Settings may be obtained at any point and in any MPI process. Getting a setting value does not require any MPI activity, so it can be done in any way you like as long as it’s within the reuse loop.

Distributed state

std::vector<double> U, U_all;
int U_size;
double t_cur, t_end;
real (selected_real_kind(15)) :: t_cur, t_max, t_end, dt, k
integer :: i, U_size, U_all_size
real (selected_real_kind(15)), dimension(:), allocatable :: U, U_all

The state of the reaction model is a vector of doubles. In this MPI version, we’ll be dividing that state among the processes, so that they can each process a part of it. The U variable exists in each process and contains its piece of the total state. U_all contains the complete state in the root process, and it’s empty in the rest of the processes. U_size is the size of U, and then we have t_cur and t_end in all processes, containing respectively the current simulation time, and the time at which to end the current run.

Receiving messages

Next, it’s time time to receive the initial state:

auto msg = instance.receive("initial_state");
rmsg = LIBMUSCLE_Instance_receive(instance, 'initial_state')

The receive() function is another collective operation, so it must be called in all processes. All processes will block until a message is received. The message will be returned in the root process (as designated when creating the Instance), in all other processes, an empty dummy message is returned.

This may seem a bit odd (why not just receive only in the root process, or return the received message in all processes), but it has a good reason. When MPI needs to wait for something, it goes into a loop that continuously checks whether the event has occurred (a spinloop). This keeps the CPU core it’s running on fully loaded. If you received only in the root process, and then used a broadcast operation to distribute data, the root process would block (without using CPU) on the network receive call until the other model was done, while all other processes would spin frantically, keeping almost all your cores occupied.

Since macro-micro models alternate execution, it’s often nice if you can put them on the same cores, but that only works if the waiting model doesn’t load them when it’s not running. MUSCLE solves this problem using a TCP-based barrier. You call receive() in all processes, and they will all block on a network receive call, without using CPU, until a message is received and they can continue.

The message is then sent only to the root, because MUSCLE does not know whether it needs to be broadcast to all processes, or distributed somehow. You’ll have to do that part yourself.

if (rank == root_rank) {
    DataConstRef data(;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
        U_all[i] = data[i].as<double>();

    t_cur = msg.timestamp();
    t_end = t_cur + t_max;

    U_size = U_all.size() / num_ranks;
    if (U_size * num_ranks != U_all.size()) {
        instance.error_shutdown("State does not divide evenly");
        throw std::runtime_error("State does not divide evenly");
if (rank == root_rank) then
    rdata = LIBMUSCLE_Message_get_data(rmsg)
    U_all_size = LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_size(rdata)
    allocate (U_all(U_all_size))
    do i = 1, U_all_size
        item = LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_get_item(rdata, int(i, LIBMUSCLE_size))
        U_all(i) = LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_as_real8(item)
        call LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_free(item)
    end do
    call LIBMUSCLE_DataConstRef_free(rdata)

    t_cur = LIBMUSCLE_Message_timestamp(rmsg)
    t_end = LIBMUSCLE_Message_timestamp(rmsg) + t_max
    call LIBMUSCLE_Message_free(rmsg)

    U_size = U_all_size / num_ranks
    if (U_size * num_ranks /= U_all_size) then
        call LIBMUSCLE_Instance_error_shutdown(instance, 'State does not divide evenly')
        print *, 'State does not divide evenly'
    end if
end if

Here, we start in the root process only by unpacking the received list into U_all, and by setting the current and final times. We also calculate the size of the per-process portion of the state, and check that it divides evenly. If it doesn’t, we tell MUSCLE that we’ve encountered an error (you can do this either from the root process, or from all processes simultaneously), and raise an exception. This example comples configured with a 100-cell long grid and two MPI processes, so it’ll work well.

Next, we distribute the received information among the processes:

MPI_Bcast(&U_size, 1, MPI_INT, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Scatter(, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
  , U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
            root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

MPI_Bcast(&t_cur, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Bcast(&t_end, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
call MPI_Bcast(U_size, 1, MPI_INT, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
allocate (U(U_size))
call MPI_Scatter(U_all, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,  &
                 U, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,      &
                 root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

call MPI_Bcast(t_cur, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_Bcast(t_end, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

This is fairly standard MPI code. First, we broadcast the size of the per-process state. This is necessary, because it’s derived from the received message, and we only received it in the root process. Next, we make some space in U for the new state information, and then we scatter U_all to the U vectors in the processes. The current time and end time are also derived from the received message, so they need to be broadcast as well.

Next is the state update loop, which is completely unchanged. Each process processes its part of the state, and since the reaction in a grid cell is not affected by anything outside of that grid cell, we don’t need to do any communication. We could of course if this were e.g. the diffusion model, and we needed to send data to the neighbours. That’s not MUSCLE-related though, so we refer to an MPI tutorial for more information on how to do that.

Finally, once we’re done iterating, we need to send out the final state:

// O_F
MPI_Gather(, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
 , U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
           root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

if (rank == 0) {
    auto result = Data::nils(U_all.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < U_all.size(); ++i)
        result[i] = U_all[i];
    instance.send("final_state", Message(t_cur, result));
! O_F
call MPI_Gather(U, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,       &
                U_all, U_size, MPI_DOUBLE,   &
                root_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

if (rank == root_rank) then
    sdata = LIBMUSCLE_Data_create_nils(int(U_all_size, LIBMUSCLE_size))
    do i = 1, U_all_size
        call LIBMUSCLE_Data_set_item(sdata, int(i, LIBMUSCLE_size), U_all(i))
    end do

    smsg = LIBMUSCLE_Message_create(t_cur, sdata)
    call LIBMUSCLE_Instance_send(instance, 'final_state', smsg)

    call LIBMUSCLE_Message_free(smsg)
    call LIBMUSCLE_Data_free(sdata)
    deallocate (U_all)
end if

The send() function can be called either from the root process only, or from all processes. In the latter case, it will simply do something only in the root process, and return immediately in all other processes. This sometimes gives cleaner code though, which is why it’s an option.

In this case, we’re going to do the sending only in the root process. We first use a gather operation in all processes to collect the data from the local U variables into the root’s U_all. Then, we convert it into a Data object and send it as before, but only in the root process.

MPI requires initialisation and finalisation, which for C++ we do in the main function:

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    reaction(argc, argv);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In the Fortran version of the example, it’s in the main program.

Note that MPI_Init() must have been called before a MUSCLE Instance is created, since the Instance constructor will make MPI calls. The ordering of MPI_Finalize() is less strict, but for symmetry we free the Instance first in the Fortran version. In C++, this is done automatically at the end of the reaction() function.